DGU 2023 Scholarship
Enter for a chance to win a $2,500 college scholarship.
To enter, apply to be accepted into the contest via the "Apply Now" Link. We are only accepting 20 contestants.
Accepted Contestants
Contestants will compete by applying for as many scholarships as possible. Two contestants that apply for the most scholarships (proof required) will win a $2,500 scholarship.
Contestant Requirements
Apply to be a contestant
Highschool Senior, graduating 2023
Attending a community college, 4-year university or trade school in Fall 2023.
1 teacher recommendation
Transcript Submission
Attend a brief virtual information session to receive rules for the competition and to get your questions answered prior to competing.
Agree to compete to win $2,500 scholarships, if selected. 20 young ladies will be selected to compete. Once selected, you will compete by applying for other scholarships. The competition will begin 02/15/2023 - 05/30/2023. DGU will select two participants who apply for the most scholarships. Proof of scholarship applications will be required. Additional details will be supplied to those selected to compete.